Carpet Cleaning Rentals 

Carpet cleaning rentals are not such a great value considering, cost of daily rental fees in excess of $30.00 or higher. Cost of carpet cleaning products that need to be purchased, $30.00 - $50.00 depending on number of rooms to clean and severity. All day or weekend of back breaking labor, moving of furniture etc., Average cost to DIY based on 3 rooms is $100.00.

Hiring a Professional or DIY cleaner rental

Setting a higher standard since 1983

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  Carpet Cleaning Products 

Most products on the market today for carpet cleaning or carpet spotting, are high in ph, leaving a dirt attracting residue. { Resolve and Woolite are among the worst}. Therefore resulting in a larger stain after time. Possibly locking in the stain as well. Old fashioned natural products will save you time, money, and locking in stains


Pet Stain and odor neutralizer solutions

These two household items work great for pet stains and pet odor when both are mixed 50/50 with water then applied with a spray bottle. Using the vinegar and water first spray on pet stained area then blot up with white cotton towel, repeat as necessary until stain and pet odor are gone.If yellowing from pet urine is still preset after using vinegar and water then take the peroxide water 50/50 to spray mist on the yellowing if still present after dried then repeat process.